thorn/whatever idc

early 20s, camab toyboy.
it/that, auxillary she. no they.
semispeaking autistic dog.
mixed black.
thorn/whatever idc

thorn/whatever idc

do not interact if yr
under 5'5 (too many short mutuals already.)
"terfs dni also im a cusper ftmsbian lesboy and the amabs cant share that id because i have inherent bio-connection to lesbianism" type.
get pissed over use of tongue-in-cheek phrases mocking transmisogynists à la tbro theyfab etc.
consider yrself to be ontologically incapable of any form of acts of violence towards others.
rb pics of random irl kids faces/bodies for 'aes.'
have an "irredeemable media" list. yes even if you call it some other equally inane phrase.
regularly make/rb posts over ace and/or pan discourse regardless of specific opinion.
trying to bring back monosexual privilege.
write/rb callouts, esp over personal arguments that could be handled in DMs, esp if youre 20+ rbing teenager beef. thats just sad man.
havent had at least one near death experience.
trying to rp as a loser 4channer by calling people slurs online for a sense of superiority.
rb that one the revolution is my boyfriend tee but havent watched the raspberry reich.
going to sc my posts jokingly mocking my brother to add it to some callout for him.
going to send me an anon telling me a donation post is by a homestuck fan or an xyz kinkster or some other equally fucking irrelevant shit.
thorn/whatever idc

im a middle school dropout, very autistic, brain damage sufferer, etc. this may show sometimes.
i found a skull in a park once. look at it.
ive various physical/mental health problems that impact by day to day life most of which i mention casually but will not list out for you. due to this i live with my brother who is my full time carer.
all i will mention here is that ive been diagnosed with DID for many years, my blog occasionally may seem erratic due to it. no i dont state "whos fronting" type info about it. dont ask me that shit.
tiff/whatever idfc

where else you can find "me"
accounts off tumblr
pinterest / oc pinterest /
spotify / flight rising
bimboland (inactive but unbanned.)